Sep 11, 2009


Hey people, I don't think a lot of people are going to read this, but what the hell.
Work here is tiresome. I know what to do and how, but I need information on how to calculate things. To get information I need to ask people stuff and people need to guide me. But I'm that kind of person who doesn't want to be a bother to other people, so I end up not asking stuff. But then again people tell me to do stuff and then I ask myself "little help can be useful?".

I hate the time difference with my home country, I hate the weather ( too much UV-rays ), I hate the lack of hygiene and off course I hate being alone without my friends.I mean Family is great and all but the difference between the people here and what I'm used to. If the people here ever saw me in The Netherlands, well I think they go crazy then. And I hate to keep up the formalities, sometimes I think they are deaf or something. ( If I ever act that way, tell me. I got that from my family and I want to get rid of it)
But the biggest thing that bothers me is that I can't do stuff that I want to do right now. I tend to over think things so the only thing I end up doing is becoming emo.

1 comment:

  1. yueee yueee weetje niet gek worden :( always look at the bright side of life

    weetje als je klaar bent dan ben je back zo en dan hoef je daar nooit meer naartoe tenzij je het zelf wilt XD MAAR JE SNAP WAT IK BEDOEL :(
