Sep 19, 2009

Recap week 9+10 Wenzhou

Started my internship.
I work 6 days a week, so kinda sucks. I know.
Daily schedule:
06:00 Get up ( My alarm goes of around 5:30 and 6:00)
06:30 Leave the house
06:50 Waiting for my Cousin
07:10 Get on the Company Bus
08:15 Arrive at the company and clock in.
11:50 Lunch Break
12:15 Working because I have nothing else to do
15:00 Watching female coworker take siesta ( everyday omfg )
16:25 Get ready to leave
17:30 Get off bus
18:30 Get home after eating outdoors
19:30 Go run laps ( or continue chilling when I'm lazy )
20.30 Come back home and do excersizes there
21:30 Start taking shower
22:00 Start washing clothes
22:30 Start doing my chilling ( Sometime it's going to sleep )
23:00 Go to sleep ( If I chilled too long )

And I Do this Daily xD

On the first Sunday, I went Chilling with my older Cousin and his wife and son. I didn't slept very well that evening so I almost had a blackout.
On the second Sunday, I had dinner with half of my Family because they wanted to celebrate my Birthday.

I intended to drink the redbull Nick and Jos gave me. But I putted in the wrong bag during my flight to WZ. So I was forced to drink it on the airport........ -.- FAIL

Here are a couple of pictures of my place I'm staying at.

View from my houseView from my houseView from my houseWeird shower that I'm not usingDad's roomMy roomLiving roomLiving roomEntrance

Here are my best friends for a while ( very long while, Fmy life here in China >.> )
The ugly white one is Yao Lee and the gold one is Anon.
Anon died after 4 days.................
Stupid fish, don't jump around too much.
Lee is very stupid, she love bubbles and she thinks her own poo are other fish and try to eat it.

Lee and Anon(RIP)Lee and Anon(RIP)

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