Sep 19, 2009

Recap week 5+6 SH

CKW GTFO'ed back to Malaysia, with my first letter to YS and an umbrella for her (Too bad she ain't gonna use it in the Netherlands ).
Nick (emo) and Jos came back with my camera from a weekend trip to WZ.
I went to Macau and HK to chill with my dad.
Nicky...........well he got screwed and became poor and emo ( it infects people like a virus I tell you!!! )

Nick became emo because of the bustrip to WZ.

Emo Nick in busEmo Nick in busDrunken Nick muhahaha

Evidence of the emo bustrip.....
Last Picture is of Nick "drunken" >.>

During this week we went a lot of times to the club and did a lot of shopping.
Here are a couple of things I bought:

PhotobucketEvisu broekEvisu broekt-shirt collectie 1t-shirt collectie 2t-shirt collectie 3Cellphones muahahha

Yeah I know I bought a lot of t-shirts (these are not all of them), I also bought an armani vest and some other stuff. But I'm too lazy to take pictures. ( THNX Nick and Jos for the quolomo T-shirt)

In the last week Nick and Me celebrated our birthday in G+ (a club), Ching (or whater your name is ) the brother of Chung had a chrush on one of the Ho's he was hanging out with. So she and 2 other friends also came. Nick and Me were paying for everything. In the end those ho's came begging for me for a "tip" so I needed to pay them and that kinda ruined my evening.....

Not mine...........

Nick was bored so he bought a lot of dvd's and watched them, one day he had an offer (the left dvd). I laughed my ass off seeing what he bought, so I joked around a little with the shopowner. I asked after "THOSE"dvd's and then it came.....
He showed a collection of Hentai dvd's, american girl's and asian (multiple) girls. So in the end I bought a dvd (left one)

Park in downtown SHSightseeingSightseeingSightseeing

We also went chilling with my dad's god daughter (Wang Xu, I don't know her english name) and her friends, she is 31 ( old I know....., but she still looks young )
We went to a place that looks similar as Yu Garden and in the evening we ate Indian food ( Bali Pinang, good old times....)
The Restaurant was downtown in a park, so the location was nice. Wang Xu's friends were also nice ( Sam and Helen ). Sam is kinda like 0570 and 055 boys, he likes to race/pool/modify his car/chill. And Helen.......she is spam and talks a lot ( she talks fast I mean like OMFG REAL FAST)

kawaiiiiiMy birthday present

My Birthday was coming up in the following week, my birthday is the same as my GF's. So I got her a little something.
I know, I know, I already gave the boots. But wth, I'm in love.
So I gave her an Hello Kitty telephone (Got the bag with it for free), a Telephone charms of Hello Kitty , another letter ( second one ) and some stickers for fun ( Why the hell are real Sanrio's sticker so expensive, when I can get them for 10 times cheaper in a local store..... Ahhh care, I already told the saleswoman I would buy them so I bought them )

Survival kit

This is my survivalkit after Nick and Jos left.
A computer with Internet, a picture of my GF and 1 can of redbull ( THNX Nick and Jos, Luv Ya)

Here are some random photo's we took.

Ha'sEmotsjai bradaRed cuz of the light, not cuz he drank too much
PhotobucketEmo brada'sPhotobucketPhotobucketNicky ZhangI'm boredPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

You know when teacher are always telling you to sit on four chairlegs because it's bad for the chair...........
Well tehy are right..................

Jos fell from this chair haha

This is the chair in my room, I lean on 2 legs because it's nicer to sit that way and then I'm not so close with my laptop screen. I do that during movies etc....
And not porn movies......... I don't think anyone can fap, lean backwards on 2 chairlegs, not fall and not bukkake him self all over at the same time.
But the funny thing is, Jos fell from the chair. Didn't even notice, I was sleeping and Nicky told me.

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