Sep 19, 2009

Recap week 3+4 SH

Oke another 2 week recap.

Nick, Jos and Nicky (kiddy) finaly came to SH. THNX guys for telling me how long you guys were studying and when.....(2 weeks alone......)
So I kinda cheered up when I saw them, I was thinking: "Hey May'be I will turn into my old spam self again".
So we were walking in the school hallway back to the dorm and then the first spam thing began........
There was a five year old kiddy, standing in the men's room Peeing. He was standing one and an half meter away from the urinoir peeing and was screaming ( litteraly translated ): "WHOOOOOOOOOOOO SHIIIIIIIIIIT LOOOOOOOOOOOK AATTTTTTT MEEEEEEEEEEEE, I"M SOOOOOOO PRO LOOOOOOOOK".
I walked by with Jos and saw that, 10 seconds later Nick walked by and he was still peeing.
( no further comment............)
We went out a couple of times and I started spending more money.
In the first two weeks only spended 100 euro, but during the 3rd week I already used 3 times as much in one week( may'be more I lost count xD).
In that week I also got an hangover ( first one in a while and the last one ever, God I hate that feeling)


We did a lot of chilling, cause of the sun etc so here are some pictures.

My room's trashcan

This was my room's trashcan. The service was poor, they cleaned your room once a week. So every week it was kinda the same amount)

Nice room Nick

This is Nick's room, he switched with Nicky because Yoyo needed a place to crash.
Nicky never changed back to his old room, I wonder why...............

Cheekweng also came to SH during these two weeks, a lot of rumours were going around of me being too nice to him. So the first thing I did when I saw him was a "BIG UP YOUR CHEST LIKE A MAN".
I offered my room to him, because I wanted to be the good BF and make a good impression on my GF by offering. Never really thought he really took the offer, so the plan backfired. My gf is teasing me with it...........
But what the hell I'm a good friend, even if he wasn't the brother of my gf I would still offer a place to crash for a friend when he needs one.
We did a lot of chilling when CKW was here. But I had a test that I screwed up. I mixed up the time, so I ended up with only 20 minutes for a test which took a lot of people 2 hours. I eneded up with a 50, still ok.

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