Sep 19, 2009

End of recap week 12

I just realised that I missed a Sunday during my WZ recap.
So uptil now a week is Sunday till Saturday. I know, I know I'm an idiot. I'm spending too much time with my idiot cousin.
Any way , last Saturday my dad came to WZ blablabla ( too lazy to repeat everything )
The Sunday after that I had hotpot with my aunt and 3 cousins ( Omfg they eat a lot )

So he came living with me in my appartment, actually his. But who cares, TAKE OVER!!!! He screwed up my schedule I had till now. I didn't had to take the company bus every morning, we were picked up etc etc. And everyday we come home late.
We had dinner with my dad's other God daughter and her mom, they were in China ( normally Portugal ).
We also had dinner witrh my Older Nephew from the Netherlands ( He is living in China for 2 years (OMFG HOW DOES HE DOES THAT) and just got engaged to a Wenzhounese Girl)
So every evening we come back around 9 and then I want to Chill etc. But he steals my Internet, so nothing to do for me.....
So I watched some Movies ( up, transformers, anime ), until he is finished.
Luckely he is away this weekend, unfortunately he comes back next Wednesday. -.-
I kinda envy him. He goes back to Holland and China, like I drive to 0570 and 055.

So another week has ended, another month so another letter ( Hopefully it arrives, this time it's by mail and should take 10 days/2 weeks or something)

Tomorrow is Sunday ( FREE YATTA, but already booked full by my family >.>)
In the morning I need to play badminton ( same Cousin as the first time) but this time I dragged my idiot other cousin with me HAR HAR FEEL MY PAIN IDIOT XD
In the evening I have a wedding of my other cousin ( I KNOW I HAVE A LOT OF THEM )
I will be making photo's of them and write about it in my next post.

So that's the end of the recap. I will be updating you every week ( I try, lazyyyyyy )

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