Sep 19, 2009

Recap week 11 Wenzhou

I eat hereI eat here

When I go outdoors I eat at these 2 places, they are quite well know in wenzhou and quite clean compared to other places.
I usually eat Chao Fan, Mi Mian, Wonton Soup or other things that come up in my head.

Wu Ma JIeDunnow ziet er grappig uit

This is downtown Wenzhou, I'm sure a lot of Wenzhounese people will reconigze it. I pass by these 2 streets on a daily basis.

Overseas international Hotel

This is the view from my house in the morning.
In the distance, the left building is Wenzhou Overseas Hotel ( 5 stars well know blablabla).
And the other picture are kiddies...... They ruin my morning by being annoying xD.

So KUOETESo KUOETEMan up bitch and you grow up to become a watchdog....So called watch dog you are....Running away etc
Good life

These dogs are our company's watch dog, the little puppy is one of the five. The dogs are getting feed on a daily basis ( leftover food from the cafeteria ). The mother of the puppy always comes to me and beg for food. The dogs are pretty scared of the human, or they are just scared of me.........
So called watchdog you are......... Man up!!!!!!!

Mijn appartement

This is my appartment from the outside, it's above the one with the lights on.

This Sunday I went out with a relative of my, I hate these kind of stuff. It always end up with people whining over the bill and asking me to go to their house after. So it takes all day, people.... pls understand I have only one day free and on that day I like to chill. So GTFO pls, but I'm well mannerred so I end up getting screwed.

That week I went out to dinner (HQ) twice. Once was with my cousin ( married and 1 son who hits my hands with a plastic sword, grrrr), we went to a buffet, It was quite nice (note to Nick and Jos: better than golden jaguar) king crab ( fresh and good ) , choclate fountain and haagen daz etcetc. Second one was to a funeral dinner (Chinese custom to have a party dinner, to celebrate the good life he/she had). It was for my dad's cousin, so distant relative ( never met them ).

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