Sep 19, 2009

Recap week 7+8 SH

These were my last 2 weeks in Shang Hai.
I was alone again, so I became "emo" again. It's not really emo. I just didn't went to all the expensive/cheap compared to NL restaurants anymore, I was alone. So I thought it was pretty gay to sit at a table alone.
I spent these days more often in the Gym and doing nothing.
I did a Calculation.
I used around 3000 euro.
200 for the Phones
200 for the Evisu Jeans
200 for the Armani Vest
450 for the T-shirt
Around 1400 for eating alone...... ( If used 40 euro every day, Gay Nick what's wrong with having Diarrhee xD)
600 left for other stuff (Drinking, cabs, etc)

The only thing I regret not doing in those 2 week, was eating Kobe Beef ( Wagjuu ) again.
We did that 2 times and it was really nice ( Epic moment: Nick was saving up to eat the last piece of beef and I snatched it away and Said "IT'S MINE". Respone: "GAY YUE")
I also screwed up Jos his clothes twice during this month. First time I spilled a Coke on him. Second time, I was watching the fountain and slipped. So I ended up splashing my hand againts a part of the fountain where the water falls down. Screwing up my own clothes and those of Jos.

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