Sep 21, 2009

Sunday's you gotta love them

nice hands I got I know

Me at work

In the morning I woke up aroung 7 ( too lazy to set my alarm clock on and off ). I was still sleepy ( no comment ).
My cousins (3/4/5) wanted to play badminton with their family and me so my dragged my baka cousin with me. (FEEL MY PAIN OF NO FREE TIME ON MY FREE DAY) It was quite fun, my older cousin (3) goes every sunday with his family, so he is quite good. In the afternoon we had dinner with my aunt ( their mom ) and then we all went back to catch some sleep.
I went to home and slept on the couch for 3 hours,and when I woke up I could't feel my arms anymore they were numb ( weird ). But after an hour some feeling came back in it.
It was time for me to go to the wedding of my other cousin (9), so I got dressed and went.
There were a lot of people that I didn't know. They were cousins of my dad or relatives of the bride.


This is my baka cousin, she always say things before she thinks. And then she always say the things she thinks about.

belly tell's it alldad's cousin, 2nd aunt husband, 1st uncle , dad's cousin, 2nd uncle , 4 otehr dad's cousins2nd aunt, 2nd aunt husband, 1st uncle

In the first picture you see my uncle (b), what you see there is not his pregnant child. It's his belly.
In the second picture starting form the left, Dad's cousin, Uncle (Husband of Aunt D), Uncle (A), Dad's cousin, Uncle (B) (calling me for a drink), 4 other cousins of my dad.
Third picture starting from the left, Aunt (D), her Husband, Uncle A.

baka i know you are one xD2 baka'scousin and her husbandhusband of cousin, cousin, husband of 2nd auntbaka child who hits me with his plastic sworddaughter of cousin

Here are the baka Childeren of my cousins (9 and 5). They are very hyperactive, I can't keep up with my old body ~oef~

son of cousin, cousin, husband of cousin, husband of cousinhusband of cousin, husband of cousin, cousin and cousincousin, cousin husband

In the first picture is cousin 4 and her family, 2nd picture are 2 husbands ( of 4 and 10 )and 2 cousins ( 6 and 19 )

me and cousinme and cousinme , aunt ,cousin daughter2 cousins

Me and cousin 3, his sons couldn't come today (too bad)
The Girl with the glasses is cousins 3 little sister (no.5), the hyperactive child is hers >.>
And of course my aunt etc.

daughter of cousin, cousin, cousin, husband of cousinson of cousin, don't know may'be husband of cousin, 3 don't know, cousin , don't know

Here is the rest of the family. I don't hang around with them so much, so I only took a quick photo.

random, dad's cousin wive of cousin

The left one I don't know, the middle one is my Aunt (C) so the mother of the groom and the right one is wive of cousin 3

the married couple, right one is my cousin

And of course the married couple ( right one is cousin no.9 )

I ended up drinking a lot, which I'm not proud of. All my cousins wanted to drink with me and of course my uncles. I'm feeling very tired right now, I have a bit of a hangover and I still need to work >.>
It's always the same, they want to drink with me because I can drink. But then 1 person comes and tell me to drink a glass with me and then another person etc etc. They always say that they are happy to see me and can't drink a glass with me that often. So now I feel like crap.

Regret is an insight that comes a day too late.

Family Tree ( Dad's part )

Yesterday I had a wedding of my cousin.
Here is my Family Tree of my dad's side, I'm posting this because otherwise it will be very confusing. For my next post and I'm in China so wth I see them a lot so they are also part of my trip here.
May'be I will write the Chinese name next to them if I have the time or strength to do it.
The person on the right is the one who is family of me by marriage.

A. Uncle – Aunt
1. Cousin(F) – Husband
• Son 1
2. Cousin(F) – Husband
• Daughter 2

B. Uncle - Aunt
3. Cousin(M) – Wife
• Son 3
4. Cousin(F) - Husband
• Son 4
5. Cousin(F) - Husband
• Daughter 5

C. Aunt - Uncle
6. Cousin(M) – Wife
• Son 6
7. Cousin(F) – Husband
• Son 7
8. Cousin(F) – Husband
• Son 8
• Daughter 9
9. Cousin(M) – Wife (Newly Weds)

D. Aunt - Uncle
10. Cousin(F) 周红叶– Husband
• Son 10
11. Cousin(F) 周冰如

E. Daddy – Mommy
12. Jing Chen 陈静
13. Yue Chen 陈跃

The order is from oldest to youngest.
So here are some comments about my family xD
When my grandfather and grandmother were married they both had childeren already. So they have been divoreced before. My Grandfathers family name is Chen (陈) and my Grandmothers family name is Shang (尚)

A. Uncle – Aunt
My uncle is retired, so he doesn't do anything. He is the son of my grandfather and the eldestin the family. I used to steal his cellphone when I was little. He always had it in a pocket on his belt. He can't drink a lot of alcohol, but he always tries.
1. Cousin(F) – Husband
• Son 1
2. Cousin(F) – Husband
• Daughter 2
They both lived in Italy for a while, but now they live in China again ( Don't know reason ). I can't really tell you anything, I don't hang out with them very much xD

B. Uncle - Aunt
This uncle works at our company. He is well known for his drinking ability ( see pictures for more comments ) and his anger attacks. He always wants to drink with me, because he knows that I can drink. He is also bold and wears a wig, I used to try and steal his wig. One day I caught him sleeping with his wig on, it wasn't fully on his head so I saw his boldyness. He is the son of my grandmother.
3. Cousin(M) – Wife
• Son 3
4. Cousin(F) - Husband
• Son 4
5. Cousin(F) - Husband
• Daughter 5
Most of the time I hang around with this part of the family. Son 3 (17) and 4 (18) are almost the same age as I, and almost have the same interest as me. These cousins usually drive me around town when I need something or when I want to do something. The cousins herited their dad's drinking ability and well you know....They want to drink with me.
The daughter of Cousin 5 is hyperactive, she has too much energy. When I see her she is always jumping around and singing etc etc. She likes my sister more than she likes me ( she told me in the face ), she is very cunning and comes to me when she wants something.

C. Aunt - Uncle
Daughter of my grandmother. She is very nice to me but I don't really see her that often so I can't tell you anything.
6. Cousin(M) – Wife
• Son 6
7. Cousin(F) – Husband
• Son 7
8. Cousin(F) – Husband
• Son 8
• Daughter 9
9. Cousin(M) – Wife (Newly Weds)

Cousin 6 is kinda rich. He has an Audi q7, Breitling watch (8k according to him), Vertu mobile (He said it is real, but I don't know. Better trust him before he start blaming me) and his son has a nokia n97 (real one)( And he is 100kg, not muscles) I can't tell you more, yesterday was the first time I saw him since 8 years or more.
Cousin 7 and Cousin 9 used to live in the Netherlands so they can speak some Dutch words. ( Kinda funny to hear them )
Cousin 8 lives in the Netherlands, so that explains the 2 child thingy ( The son is one year younger than me ROFL ).
Don't hang around with them that much.

D. Aunt - Uncle
This aunt is my grandfather and grandmothers first child. She is very over protective over me and cares for me a lot. I see her every week, because I go to them to eat dinner once a week. She is a very busy person and can't sit still, so she asks me about stuff to do a lot. But I don't want that, I need to learn to do those things myself. So sometimes I leave some laundry for one day and go to work then, but when I come home I see that she already did the laundry.
Her husband is a nice guy. He loves drinking beer so during dinner he prefers beer over rice and think thats I want the same thing -.- zzzz.
10. Cousin(F) 周红叶– Husband
• Son 10
11. Cousin(F) 周冰如
Cousin 10 is nice, she helps me with stuff I need to do but don't have the time for it ( posting letter, fixing internet ). She usually treats me to dinner etc... Still need to treat her once.
Her husband is a drinker, enough said.
His son ( WHY DO KIDS HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY THESE DAYS ) he likes sword, he doens't like to study and he is being spoiled by everybody ( also guilty ). One time I needed to hold a sword, he picked up another sword and started to hit my sword with it. He swings it with all his might and was screaming his longs out. He hitted my hand and vingers for 7 times........
Cousin 11 is my baka cousin. She is a bit deaf so she doesn't hear very well. I spent a lot of time with her because whe also works at the company. She is very narrowminded and calls me a kiddy. She doesn't like anything cute, while she has an Hello Kitty credit card. She calls me a kiddy because I sent a letter to Yao Shuang and put Hello Kitty stickers on it and because I wanted to see the movie "UP".

Sep 19, 2009

End of recap week 12

I just realised that I missed a Sunday during my WZ recap.
So uptil now a week is Sunday till Saturday. I know, I know I'm an idiot. I'm spending too much time with my idiot cousin.
Any way , last Saturday my dad came to WZ blablabla ( too lazy to repeat everything )
The Sunday after that I had hotpot with my aunt and 3 cousins ( Omfg they eat a lot )

So he came living with me in my appartment, actually his. But who cares, TAKE OVER!!!! He screwed up my schedule I had till now. I didn't had to take the company bus every morning, we were picked up etc etc. And everyday we come home late.
We had dinner with my dad's other God daughter and her mom, they were in China ( normally Portugal ).
We also had dinner witrh my Older Nephew from the Netherlands ( He is living in China for 2 years (OMFG HOW DOES HE DOES THAT) and just got engaged to a Wenzhounese Girl)
So every evening we come back around 9 and then I want to Chill etc. But he steals my Internet, so nothing to do for me.....
So I watched some Movies ( up, transformers, anime ), until he is finished.
Luckely he is away this weekend, unfortunately he comes back next Wednesday. -.-
I kinda envy him. He goes back to Holland and China, like I drive to 0570 and 055.

So another week has ended, another month so another letter ( Hopefully it arrives, this time it's by mail and should take 10 days/2 weeks or something)

Tomorrow is Sunday ( FREE YATTA, but already booked full by my family >.>)
In the morning I need to play badminton ( same Cousin as the first time) but this time I dragged my idiot other cousin with me HAR HAR FEEL MY PAIN IDIOT XD
In the evening I have a wedding of my other cousin ( I KNOW I HAVE A LOT OF THEM )
I will be making photo's of them and write about it in my next post.

So that's the end of the recap. I will be updating you every week ( I try, lazyyyyyy )

Recap week 11 Wenzhou

I eat hereI eat here

When I go outdoors I eat at these 2 places, they are quite well know in wenzhou and quite clean compared to other places.
I usually eat Chao Fan, Mi Mian, Wonton Soup or other things that come up in my head.

Wu Ma JIeDunnow ziet er grappig uit

This is downtown Wenzhou, I'm sure a lot of Wenzhounese people will reconigze it. I pass by these 2 streets on a daily basis.

Overseas international Hotel

This is the view from my house in the morning.
In the distance, the left building is Wenzhou Overseas Hotel ( 5 stars well know blablabla).
And the other picture are kiddies...... They ruin my morning by being annoying xD.

So KUOETESo KUOETEMan up bitch and you grow up to become a watchdog....So called watch dog you are....Running away etc
Good life

These dogs are our company's watch dog, the little puppy is one of the five. The dogs are getting feed on a daily basis ( leftover food from the cafeteria ). The mother of the puppy always comes to me and beg for food. The dogs are pretty scared of the human, or they are just scared of me.........
So called watchdog you are......... Man up!!!!!!!

Mijn appartement

This is my appartment from the outside, it's above the one with the lights on.

This Sunday I went out with a relative of my, I hate these kind of stuff. It always end up with people whining over the bill and asking me to go to their house after. So it takes all day, people.... pls understand I have only one day free and on that day I like to chill. So GTFO pls, but I'm well mannerred so I end up getting screwed.

That week I went out to dinner (HQ) twice. Once was with my cousin ( married and 1 son who hits my hands with a plastic sword, grrrr), we went to a buffet, It was quite nice (note to Nick and Jos: better than golden jaguar) king crab ( fresh and good ) , choclate fountain and haagen daz etcetc. Second one was to a funeral dinner (Chinese custom to have a party dinner, to celebrate the good life he/she had). It was for my dad's cousin, so distant relative ( never met them ).

Recap week 9+10 Wenzhou

Started my internship.
I work 6 days a week, so kinda sucks. I know.
Daily schedule:
06:00 Get up ( My alarm goes of around 5:30 and 6:00)
06:30 Leave the house
06:50 Waiting for my Cousin
07:10 Get on the Company Bus
08:15 Arrive at the company and clock in.
11:50 Lunch Break
12:15 Working because I have nothing else to do
15:00 Watching female coworker take siesta ( everyday omfg )
16:25 Get ready to leave
17:30 Get off bus
18:30 Get home after eating outdoors
19:30 Go run laps ( or continue chilling when I'm lazy )
20.30 Come back home and do excersizes there
21:30 Start taking shower
22:00 Start washing clothes
22:30 Start doing my chilling ( Sometime it's going to sleep )
23:00 Go to sleep ( If I chilled too long )

And I Do this Daily xD

On the first Sunday, I went Chilling with my older Cousin and his wife and son. I didn't slept very well that evening so I almost had a blackout.
On the second Sunday, I had dinner with half of my Family because they wanted to celebrate my Birthday.

I intended to drink the redbull Nick and Jos gave me. But I putted in the wrong bag during my flight to WZ. So I was forced to drink it on the airport........ -.- FAIL

Here are a couple of pictures of my place I'm staying at.

View from my houseView from my houseView from my houseWeird shower that I'm not usingDad's roomMy roomLiving roomLiving roomEntrance

Here are my best friends for a while ( very long while, Fmy life here in China >.> )
The ugly white one is Yao Lee and the gold one is Anon.
Anon died after 4 days.................
Stupid fish, don't jump around too much.
Lee is very stupid, she love bubbles and she thinks her own poo are other fish and try to eat it.

Lee and Anon(RIP)Lee and Anon(RIP)

Recap week 7+8 SH

These were my last 2 weeks in Shang Hai.
I was alone again, so I became "emo" again. It's not really emo. I just didn't went to all the expensive/cheap compared to NL restaurants anymore, I was alone. So I thought it was pretty gay to sit at a table alone.
I spent these days more often in the Gym and doing nothing.
I did a Calculation.
I used around 3000 euro.
200 for the Phones
200 for the Evisu Jeans
200 for the Armani Vest
450 for the T-shirt
Around 1400 for eating alone...... ( If used 40 euro every day, Gay Nick what's wrong with having Diarrhee xD)
600 left for other stuff (Drinking, cabs, etc)

The only thing I regret not doing in those 2 week, was eating Kobe Beef ( Wagjuu ) again.
We did that 2 times and it was really nice ( Epic moment: Nick was saving up to eat the last piece of beef and I snatched it away and Said "IT'S MINE". Respone: "GAY YUE")
I also screwed up Jos his clothes twice during this month. First time I spilled a Coke on him. Second time, I was watching the fountain and slipped. So I ended up splashing my hand againts a part of the fountain where the water falls down. Screwing up my own clothes and those of Jos.

Recap week 5+6 SH

CKW GTFO'ed back to Malaysia, with my first letter to YS and an umbrella for her (Too bad she ain't gonna use it in the Netherlands ).
Nick (emo) and Jos came back with my camera from a weekend trip to WZ.
I went to Macau and HK to chill with my dad.
Nicky...........well he got screwed and became poor and emo ( it infects people like a virus I tell you!!! )

Nick became emo because of the bustrip to WZ.

Emo Nick in busEmo Nick in busDrunken Nick muhahaha

Evidence of the emo bustrip.....
Last Picture is of Nick "drunken" >.>

During this week we went a lot of times to the club and did a lot of shopping.
Here are a couple of things I bought:

PhotobucketEvisu broekEvisu broekt-shirt collectie 1t-shirt collectie 2t-shirt collectie 3Cellphones muahahha

Yeah I know I bought a lot of t-shirts (these are not all of them), I also bought an armani vest and some other stuff. But I'm too lazy to take pictures. ( THNX Nick and Jos for the quolomo T-shirt)

In the last week Nick and Me celebrated our birthday in G+ (a club), Ching (or whater your name is ) the brother of Chung had a chrush on one of the Ho's he was hanging out with. So she and 2 other friends also came. Nick and Me were paying for everything. In the end those ho's came begging for me for a "tip" so I needed to pay them and that kinda ruined my evening.....

Not mine...........

Nick was bored so he bought a lot of dvd's and watched them, one day he had an offer (the left dvd). I laughed my ass off seeing what he bought, so I joked around a little with the shopowner. I asked after "THOSE"dvd's and then it came.....
He showed a collection of Hentai dvd's, american girl's and asian (multiple) girls. So in the end I bought a dvd (left one)

Park in downtown SHSightseeingSightseeingSightseeing

We also went chilling with my dad's god daughter (Wang Xu, I don't know her english name) and her friends, she is 31 ( old I know....., but she still looks young )
We went to a place that looks similar as Yu Garden and in the evening we ate Indian food ( Bali Pinang, good old times....)
The Restaurant was downtown in a park, so the location was nice. Wang Xu's friends were also nice ( Sam and Helen ). Sam is kinda like 0570 and 055 boys, he likes to race/pool/modify his car/chill. And Helen.......she is spam and talks a lot ( she talks fast I mean like OMFG REAL FAST)

kawaiiiiiMy birthday present

My Birthday was coming up in the following week, my birthday is the same as my GF's. So I got her a little something.
I know, I know, I already gave the boots. But wth, I'm in love.
So I gave her an Hello Kitty telephone (Got the bag with it for free), a Telephone charms of Hello Kitty , another letter ( second one ) and some stickers for fun ( Why the hell are real Sanrio's sticker so expensive, when I can get them for 10 times cheaper in a local store..... Ahhh care, I already told the saleswoman I would buy them so I bought them )

Survival kit

This is my survivalkit after Nick and Jos left.
A computer with Internet, a picture of my GF and 1 can of redbull ( THNX Nick and Jos, Luv Ya)

Here are some random photo's we took.

Ha'sEmotsjai bradaRed cuz of the light, not cuz he drank too much
PhotobucketEmo brada'sPhotobucketPhotobucketNicky ZhangI'm boredPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

You know when teacher are always telling you to sit on four chairlegs because it's bad for the chair...........
Well tehy are right..................

Jos fell from this chair haha

This is the chair in my room, I lean on 2 legs because it's nicer to sit that way and then I'm not so close with my laptop screen. I do that during movies etc....
And not porn movies......... I don't think anyone can fap, lean backwards on 2 chairlegs, not fall and not bukkake him self all over at the same time.
But the funny thing is, Jos fell from the chair. Didn't even notice, I was sleeping and Nicky told me.