Nov 16, 2009

Tokyo Day 4, Captain we have a problem....

Me waving at random peopleMe waving at boat peopleMe waving ate boat people

A weird kid with a Candle Jack T-shirt is waving at us a port side. How are we going to handle this. Because everybody on the ship is waving back at him. Ow shit I said Candle.....

Hama Rikyu TeienHama Rikyu TeienHama Rikyu TeienHama Rikyu Teien
Hama Rikyu Teien a beautiful park to take a stroll in. It was very relaxing. I also had a lot of fun waving at the random Japanese People who were taking a boat tour on the Sumida River. It was very funny, I waved at everybody while I was taking taking the boat trip, and all of them waved back at me. Me and my sis seriously were laughing about all the small idiotic stuff xD.

Ahh well we also visited Tokyo Metropolitian Office that morning. It's a large building in Tokyo Shin Juku district, we went there for the view but it was very cloudy that day =(.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government BuildingTokyo Metropolitan Government BuildingTokyo Metropolitan Government BuildingTokyo Metropolitan Government Building

In the evening we went to SHIBUYA, OMFG so pro. The whole street was filled with lights and shops. On the lights there were small boxes and they were playing music.
What kind of music? POKEMON SOUNDTRACK MUSIC, omfg epic pro&^%&@!(E@!*)&E).
Too bad my sis had the camera with her, while she was shopping. So I needed to stand in front of every clothing store she went in. What I did you ask? I WAS SINGING WITH THE POKEMON OF COURSE XD (Btw in front of the Zara, Nice spot for looking at the "people")


Oke here is the CKW section
(Food and the other stuff)


There was uhmm something in the Hotel ( Sunroute Shinjuku, volgende keer hier private room hier nemen en heel veel wc rollen mee nemen voor de "verkoudheid")
You know who I am talking to ;P

Pron at HotelPron at Hotel

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