Nov 12, 2009

Tokyo day 2. Japan need MOARRRRR

View of lakeTokyo Imperial Palace garden gate, Tokyo Tower in distanceTokyo Imperial Palace
Tokyo Imperial Palace. We couldn't enter the palace but the gardens were AMAZING. They were so huge and the pools had FREAKING big koi fishes. It was really worth it, even though it was raining all day. It really is a must see when you visit Tokyo (DUH).

Lunch SushiLunch SushiLunch Sushi
Lunch time. Haha of course you need to eat sushi in this way when you are in Tokyo.

GinzaGinzaMarunouchi Building
After lunch we went to visit Ginza. It is a nice place to eat HQ and buy expensive stuff. A lot of stores of foreign brands are being sold here. So it was quite ok I guess >.<

And of we go to the land of.............
Akihabara, you notice it alreadyMaidAkihabara&quot;Cosplay&quot;(SEX) shop

Akihabara, the street filled with electronics and anime/manga. I went in a couple of stores, and they are HUGE. They are like 10 floors? Every store was filled with anime and electronics, and they had EVERYTHING about the newest anime etcetc. Freaking weird, but fun like hell xD.

You can't see the arrows and it's almost perfect OMFG

There was this one dude, he was playing this drum game. But the thing is, you didn't see when to hit the drums. He had the game level on Hardest or something. He was playing and had only perfects and the combo meter was on 400+ like wth?!?
BTW we were in a gaming hall, my sister was the only girl wo went to the floors above xD. On those floors were only otaku's and other spam people. It was fun to see how awkward it was for her xD.

DA BEEFBeefStarterStarterMaking apitizerRestaurant for dinner

In the evening we went out for dinner. I persuade my sister in eating Beef =p. So we found a random restaurant and ordered Kobe Beef. It was nice, but a little over cooked so you couldn't taste the sweet juices of the Kobe Beef. But it was still delicousssss. Compliments to the chef.

Times SquareShibuya downtownShinjuku storesShinjuku storesHotel View
I forgot to mention that we were staying in the Shinjuku District. A lively district and quite fun at night.

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