Nov 18, 2009

Buying Stuff >.>


Ok these were some souvenirs I were looking for (2.5 Days -.-')
Anyways I had fun looking for them. In Ginza I went to a large Toy store. This store was filled with a lot of toys and little small cute things etc. There I asked the Cashier if they sold Key Covers. He didn't fully understand me and asked a girl to help me. The girl was looking like she was about to die of all the happiness, the look of someone who has seen too much happy stuff and hated her job.
The conversation went like this:
me: Do you sell key covers in this store?
her: Yes, wait a moment please.
(Went into the store and grabbed a key cover of an ugly frog and showed it to me)
(3 seconds of silence)
me: uhmmmm..........Do you have any cute ones of doreamon or hello kitty or something like that.
her: wait let me check.
(called to another floor level to ask about it)
(She hung up and looked at me for 5 seconds with her "I HATE CUTE STUFF/Bored"look)

(Her response)

her:G U N D A M
(10 seconds of silence......)

me: UHmmmm No, thank you.
(walks away, while my sister is laughing her ass off)

Me looking for cute stuffMe looking for cute stuffHello Kitty mirrors

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