Nov 12, 2009

Let's continue my adventure in Japan (Day 1)

Ok I was pissed about a lot of stuff, but who cares I'm in Japan so I headed out and had some fun ^^

Restaurant , pretty busyFOOD

Me and my sis went to have dinner at a random restaurant, it was very crowded and had a lot of uhmm how do you call it again? ChiKIEs? Unfortunately I wasn't in the mood to take pictures of them (Hehe too bad for all the male readers of this blog) The food was nice, typical Japanese food.

Japan.....nice new things

The commercials of this game was every where, on every TV in every store in the whole block. I guess Final Fantasy is very popular..... DUH It's a great game, I'm going to buy it too and play it. But not freaking otaku spam like. Probably gonna rip a perfect save of my friends who play it until it's perfect.

Life water

(Drool...........) My Life water, my source of energy, my hope, my strength......

I forgot to mention something epic happend on that day.
I took the wrong train, because I said the wrong district name of Tokyo. So I ended up transfering at a random trainstation. On that trainstation was a drunk girl >.<. She was nice (kekeke) but I didn't bother. She was completely wasted and was carried away by four conductors of that station. I watched the whole thing and I had only one thought: "My Sassy Girl".

@ shanghai Airport

When I'm back in The Netherlands, I'm going to drink my worries away with this.^^


  1. Je had zoooo hard zelf als een dronkelap moeten spelen zodat je kon aanpappen met dat meisje!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    x hench

  2. I needed to post this because Yue can't post comments XD
    (Stupid China)
    During that time I still had a gf so I didn't really bother sniping and those otehr things (*Evil Du Thoughts*)
