Jan 29, 2010

Final post

I just want to say uhmmmm...
Cheekweng is gay and I'm not blogging anymore

Jan 7, 2010

Finishing things

My internship time has almost ended.
A lot has happened since I came to China.
I don't know what to make of it, I learned a lot. But if I consider what has happened during this time. I wonder was it worth it, or not. I don't know.
Anyways I'm going to enjoy the few days I have left in China.
I already booked a room in Shanghai Grand Hyatt.
Jin Mao Tower.jpg

Dec 7, 2009

Hate fireworks


me:"Finally I tomorrow a free day, the weather will be quite nice so I will sleep a little longer in my bed which is very comfortably and warm but hard ass rock >.>"


Time :6 am
me"DAMM You alarm, I forgot to turn you off. Ahh never ming I'm going back to sleep"

Time: somewhere between 6 am and 7 am
me:"What do I hear in the distance....fireworks...too tired to think, must be some shop opening. Sleep....."

Time: 7.30 am
me:"Whaaaa.... Again fireworks... man why is the sound so loud this time, it sounds like its across the street. Maybe it's my aunt and cousin who just finished renovating their new apartment across the street. Why is it so loud, let me sleep. So tired omg."

Time: 10.30 am
Wake up, brush theeth
Door Bell->Cousin+Aunt at the door
me:"Was it you guys who lighted up the fire works at 7?
cousin:"Yeah it was us"
me:"FUUUU RAGE, I'm tired leave me alone"

Dec 5, 2009

May'be I should write some reviews of some Hotels xD


Weekend number 1 (after Japan)
After I came back from Japan, my dad came to Wen Zhou to pick me up. He only came to Wen Zhou to pick me up for a flight back to Shang Hai. Here I met the General Manager of the company who is our biggest client. We had dinner somewhere in Hua Hai Road in quite expensive restaurant. Eating the food was like heaven, imagine every expensive dish there is to eat. Well that was what I had for dinner xD.
(Too bad I didn't had my camera with me or you guys were drooling and hating me for eating all that xD)
After that we spent the night in Shang-Ri La. This hotel is located at the Pudong side of the Bund. The breakfast was OMFG.......
It was almost like dinner, the choice they have there is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. If you have nothing to do in Shang Hai and have 200 euro to waste and want to spent a night in a random HQ hotel, well then Shang-Ri La is my recommendation.


Weekend number 2 (after Japan)
I don't really know why, but me and my dad wanted to be random. So we went to the Overseas International Hotel in Wenzhou. It is a 20 minute walk from the apartment I'm living in. We booked a room and spent a day in the hotel.
Yeah, I know random. Random haha.


Weekend number 5 (after Japan)
And yet another random evening at another Hotel in Wenzhou. The One HomeHoward Johnson This one is a bit further away then the Overseas International Hotel. This time we had a good reason to stay in the Hotel. A friend of my dad from Taipei was visiting Wenzhou.
For all the food fanatics =p, I had Shabu-shabu.I ate my belly full with beef and lots of seafood. Yet again, forgot my camera........
I don't need pictures to remember the food, my belly remembers quite well xD.


Weekend number 8?! (after Japan) (lost the count omg xD)
Another weekend with my dad, he had a business trip to HeFei and Shang Hai and he wanted me to come along for the ride. To be honest,I rode in a S-Class for the first time during this trip. In both cities onces, I'm quite speechless about the HQ. My only thought is.......
One day I too shall have my own driver who drives me around town in my S-class... One day.......
Ahh well back to the Hotels =D. This time it's the Hilton Hotel. The buffet was not as nice as the buffet of Shang-ri La, but it was still awesome. One thing that I noticed that is a bit weird is the fact that both the Hilton hotel and the Howard Johnson hotel have a window in the bathroom. They have curtain in the bathroom for them, but it's still a bit weird >.>

And Yes people my life here is harsh, I will make a movie to show you how messed up it is xD. But HQ moments like these make my time here worth it. I still miss you guys and I want to return as soon as possible but I have bear with it. Still have to wait 36 days.

Nov 19, 2009


Wet took the train to Osaka,somewhere on the way I passen mount Fuji. But I didn't see it =/. I had a mayor headache and couldn't sleep in the train, so I watched The Taking of Pelham 123 Ahh well I made a video with some nice mountains, at least some I saw some mountains in Japan ^^.

We arrived in the afternoon and went to Osaka Castle straight away. Osaka Castle was invaded by highschool students taking a field trip. A invasion.... I mean it...... there were like 20 classes or something omg >.>

Osaka castle viewelementary boyzOsaka CastleHighschool girlsOsaka Castle turret


All the classes were taking a class picture, I filmed a class. The photographer was very funny =p. I tried talking talking to one of the girls =p. I asked her how old she was.
She was like?
EhHHH? Olduh?? nanda kore? My NAmEuh????
(me) No,no, how old are you?
Olduh Nande?

I was feeling very apathetic that day, so I wasn't in the mood of walking a lot.So I convinced my sis that I wanted to go back to the hotel, where I went to sleep. ( I really wasn't to do anything at all)
In the night I was hungry and went to grab something to eat at the 7/11
Osaka Ebisu PlazaEbisu PlazaRed Bull

Here is Ebisu Plaza, where I went for a stroll. I also bought a small stock on my Life Water.....

Nov 18, 2009

Buying Stuff >.>


Ok these were some souvenirs I were looking for (2.5 Days -.-')
Anyways I had fun looking for them. In Ginza I went to a large Toy store. This store was filled with a lot of toys and little small cute things etc. There I asked the Cashier if they sold Key Covers. He didn't fully understand me and asked a girl to help me. The girl was looking like she was about to die of all the happiness, the look of someone who has seen too much happy stuff and hated her job.
The conversation went like this:
me: Do you sell key covers in this store?
her: Yes, wait a moment please.
(Went into the store and grabbed a key cover of an ugly frog and showed it to me)
(3 seconds of silence)
me: uhmmmm..........Do you have any cute ones of doreamon or hello kitty or something like that.
her: wait let me check.
(called to another floor level to ask about it)
(She hung up and looked at me for 5 seconds with her "I HATE CUTE STUFF/Bored"look)

(Her response)

her:G U N D A M
(10 seconds of silence......)

me: UHmmmm No, thank you.
(walks away, while my sister is laughing her ass off)

Me looking for cute stuffMe looking for cute stuffHello Kitty mirrors

Nov 16, 2009

Tokyo Day 4, Captain we have a problem....

Me waving at random peopleMe waving at boat peopleMe waving ate boat people

A weird kid with a Candle Jack T-shirt is waving at us a port side. How are we going to handle this. Because everybody on the ship is waving back at him. Ow shit I said Candle.....

Hama Rikyu TeienHama Rikyu TeienHama Rikyu TeienHama Rikyu Teien
Hama Rikyu Teien a beautiful park to take a stroll in. It was very relaxing. I also had a lot of fun waving at the random Japanese People who were taking a boat tour on the Sumida River. It was very funny, I waved at everybody while I was taking taking the boat trip, and all of them waved back at me. Me and my sis seriously were laughing about all the small idiotic stuff xD.

Ahh well we also visited Tokyo Metropolitian Office that morning. It's a large building in Tokyo Shin Juku district, we went there for the view but it was very cloudy that day =(.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government BuildingTokyo Metropolitan Government BuildingTokyo Metropolitan Government BuildingTokyo Metropolitan Government Building

In the evening we went to SHIBUYA, OMFG so pro. The whole street was filled with lights and shops. On the lights there were small boxes and they were playing music.
What kind of music? POKEMON SOUNDTRACK MUSIC, omfg epic pro&^%&@!(E@!*)&E).
Too bad my sis had the camera with her, while she was shopping. So I needed to stand in front of every clothing store she went in. What I did you ask? I WAS SINGING WITH THE POKEMON OF COURSE XD (Btw in front of the Zara, Nice spot for looking at the "people")


Oke here is the CKW section
(Food and the other stuff)


There was uhmm something in the Hotel ( Sunroute Shinjuku, volgende keer hier private room hier nemen en heel veel wc rollen mee nemen voor de "verkoudheid")
You know who I am talking to ;P

Pron at HotelPron at Hotel