Dec 7, 2009

Hate fireworks


me:"Finally I tomorrow a free day, the weather will be quite nice so I will sleep a little longer in my bed which is very comfortably and warm but hard ass rock >.>"


Time :6 am
me"DAMM You alarm, I forgot to turn you off. Ahh never ming I'm going back to sleep"

Time: somewhere between 6 am and 7 am
me:"What do I hear in the distance....fireworks...too tired to think, must be some shop opening. Sleep....."

Time: 7.30 am
me:"Whaaaa.... Again fireworks... man why is the sound so loud this time, it sounds like its across the street. Maybe it's my aunt and cousin who just finished renovating their new apartment across the street. Why is it so loud, let me sleep. So tired omg."

Time: 10.30 am
Wake up, brush theeth
Door Bell->Cousin+Aunt at the door
me:"Was it you guys who lighted up the fire works at 7?
cousin:"Yeah it was us"
me:"FUUUU RAGE, I'm tired leave me alone"


  1. +1

    I Like This

    Hahaha, sounds like another Yue-FFFUUUU-GTFO-RRAAAGGEE moment...

  2. +1 hahaha paar maanden later XD
